Sunday, December 13, 2015

Infinitely Minute

"Painting is an infinitely minute part of my personality." - Salvador Dali

It's important to find who you are and what makes you happy; however, the worst thing you can do is limit yourself. Too many people make the thing they love their entire life, and when that very things fails them, they look around at their life and find a broken trail of missed opportunities.

As adults, we ask kids what they want to be, instantly confining their entire future to a box. Essentially, we ask them who they want to be when, instead, who they are is a collection of a thousand desires.

What you do is not who you are.

It is only a part of you, a smaller part of you than you realize. Dali himself, a renowned surrealist painter, realized that painting was not his identity. He knew that the very thing he loved and the thing for which he was famous was only a speck on the spectrum of who he was.

So why do we limit ourselves? You don't have to just do one thing; you can do everything. Why not? What are you waiting for? You are an endless collection of hopes and fears, dreams and nightmares. You have a lot more in you than you realize. Stop making a section of your personality your entire being. You don't have to give up a hobby for your dream. You don't have to cut out sections of your life to make room for another, drastically inflated section.

Be a writer who ventures on nature walks to feed the birds. Be a dancer who visits art galleries regularly. Be a photographer who reads plays. My favorite parts of myself are not the things I do for a living but the things I do in silence. There is so much more to me than anyone will realize; you have the same potential in you as well.

Maybe if you take the time to discover the entire spectrum of your personality, you'll find something new about yourself.

And then you can keep on creating, fulfilling each infinitely minute part of you one day at a time.

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