Sunday, November 29, 2015

When the Pupils Dilate

"You are one decision away from a totally different life."

Life is so short. There are so very few things that can make us happy, and yet we instead constantly pursue the things that squelch this very joy. We choose the things that force us to dread waking up every morning, that dull the enjoyment of eating meals, and even that make the sun seem to shine less brightly. Why?

Because we were told to.

"Art is a hobby."
"You need a stable job."
"You're being selfish."
"You can't support a family like that."
"This is just a phase."

Listen closely as I speak for the thousands of unspoken voices battling depression, anxiety, and fear because they are not allowed to choose to do what they love each and every day:

This is not a phase.

This is who we are. Why is it selfish to be happy? Every person should be doing what they love whether it be engineering or dancing. If you daydream about another profession, another idea, or another life, then that is what you love. You were born to live that life, not this life you were forced to fit into. So many people go to work but only wish they could get back home to their hobby, because that is what they truly love. You do not have to live like that. When did hobbies become the secrets of who you really are? The question is simple...

What makes you smile? What makes your face light up? What makes your pupils dilate? Love is a chemical response in the brain, and when that feeling appears, the pupils dilate. A very simple bodily function to a unforgettable and magnificent feeling. Does it happen when you talk about your favorite book? A movie concept? This song that makes you want to dance? The colors you want to use for your next painting? A single lyric in your favorite poem? Watch for the pupils and when they dilate. You will know who a person really is by what they love.

Find that thing that makes you happy and do not let it go. It is part of who you are. It is part of your story. If you do not know what makes you happy then think about this:

Have you ever woken up so overwhelmingly ecstatic about something?

Then remember that. Hold on to that. Because if you chase that very thing, the odds are that you will wake up with that feeling again, as you were meant to. No longer do you have to be unhappy just to please someone else, to conform to society or peer pressure, or to do what you thought you were supposed to love. You are free to wake up in the morning with a smile once more.

You were born to be happy so do not let anyone else tell you otherwise.

When do your pupils dilate?

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